
My Summer Goals

#lambentlifeblog #lambentlife Goals for the summer, summer goals sunglasses on the sand at a beach

This post is for the ladies looking for some inspirational summer goal ideas. I wanted to share some summer goals that I am working on this year and I’m also searching for more so if you have any ideas, comment below! I injured my ankle at the beginning of May which has put my life on a bit of a detour. It got me thinking about the summer goals I could accomplish this year so I though I would share with you all.

There is something so satisfying about checking off that box when you have achieved a goal. Or even your daily to do list! I become addicted to that feeling like I am moving forward and accomplishing something great. I find I also like to come up with seasonal goals. They are short term and feel more realistic to me. Things change for me as the weather changes and I like to get outside or start renos at different times of the year. This post is focusing on my summer goals. If you need some ideas or inspiration for your summer goals scroll down!

summer goals ideas pin

Explore my local community

This is a bit of a project and I have recruited my stepson in this adventure. I am so fortunate to live in a beautiful community in British Columbia and I really do not get out enough. I am going to explore local shops, amazing hikes, delicious restaurants, and must-see places. I’ll report back on my findings!

exploring my home community, summer project!
Exploring my home community in the summer

Read minimum 5 books

I love to read and now that I have more time I would like to read minimum 5 books over the summer. I just finished Atomic Habits but I am not counting that in my 5 books. Of course, more is better. If you have any summer book suggestions comment below! I only have the first book picked and I am starting with Dune by Frank Herbert. I saw the movie first because I didn’t think I would want to read the book but I loved the movie and can’t wait for the next one so I’m reading it!

Dune book cover by Frank Herbert

Change my nutrition

This is not just a summer goal but more of a lifestyle shift for me. Recently I had some changes in my health which have sucked the motivation right out of me. I generally eat fairly healthy but I want to put more focus into finding fresh local foods. Dieting is not my friend and I don’t believe that restriction is the best choice. I don’t even like the word dieting. Also who wants to go on a diet in the summer? I have heard about the Mediterranean Diet as one of the healthiest. I am actively taking steps to change my intake to align with this food focus. I found so much helpful information from this website.

Grow a nice vegetable garden

I would love to have access to fresh lettuce when I need it so I am hoping to plant some lettuce varieties that do well in my gardening zone. I started some seedlings this year and found some didn’t make it. I transplanted them into the garden a few weeks ago and they seem to be doing alright now. The photo below is a corner of my yard that gets the most sun. We built this raised garden bed two years ago, and recently planted some trees.

garden project! seedlings transplanted

Install new windows in our house

The windows in our home are outdated and do not work well to manage the temperature in our house. In the winter they are drafty and in the summer they are so hot! My husband and I are in the process of purchasing our windows and hopefully they will be delivered soon so we can get started! I have enjoyed the small updates we have done to our home but we are ready to get into some bigger projects together, starting with new windows!

This is what I’ll be busy doing this summer! What are you doing this summer? Share any ideas below!



Living life with a subtle glow and soft positive radiance that I hope spreads happiness to others. A nurse & teacher, sharing content on lifestyle, nursing, self-care, and personal development.

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