Fitness Lifestyle

How Pregnancy has Changed my Exercise Goals and Focus

a pregnant woman exercising with guidance

Are you looking to adjust your exercise routine if you’re pregnant? Are you quickly realizing that your body isn’t the same as it once was? No kidding! Growing a human is tough on your body. Here I will talk about my experience with exercise before and during my pregnancy. I have noticed that my attitude and perspective on exercise have really changed for me during pregnancy. The workout grind occupied a lot of my time so I would be “healthy” and I realize that my definition of “healthy” stems too much from images I see in the media and not from my values. I dive into how my pregnancy had changed my exercise goals and focus.

Exercise Before Pregnancy

How Pregnancy has Changed my Exercise Goals and Focus, #lambentlifeblog #lambentlife #exercise #strongcurves

Before pregnancy, I was doing mostly strength training. See this post for my previous exercise routine. Strength training is something I enjoy because I notice I do feel so much stronger when I am consistent with it. I also had a focus on trying to grow my glutes and shape them better with the book shown above. Spin classes were my go-to for getting my cardio in. I loved the atmosphere and how empowered I felt at the local spin studio. My body seems to really love cardio, or I really love the way cardio makes me feel. 

New Focus for my Health and Exercise

I now have a different focus for my health which I feel comes from a better place.

Focusing on health as a feeling and not so much as a look is important to me. I can feel when I am giving my body nutritious foods, I can feel when I move my body that I sleep better and appreciate my body more. I can feel when my gut microbiome is happy. Having lean muscle and strength that gets me through house renovations feels great.

I want to focus on being gentle and compassionate with myself. Pregnancy has impacted my immune system and I have had more flus and colds in my first 20 weeks of pregnancy than I have in the last 3 years. This has impacted my energy level and consistency in moving my body. I will do great for 3 weeks then get a cold and stop for a week and a half. This is life, and letting go of the expectation to exercise every single day will help me be more at peace with this. In this way, I think life is preparing me to be a flexible mother.

Exercise in my Current Pregnancy

a pregnant woman exercising with guidance, #lambentlifeblog, #lambentlife #health #wellness #pregnancy
Photo by Pavel Danilyuk on

I found that my high-intensity workouts were not something I wanted to continue doing in my first trimester. In my first trimester, I completely stopped my exercise routine. Being nauseated, tired, and not having enough energy to exercise forced me to relax. I was going to bed at 6 pm and waking up at 7 am! this was my first mom guilt feeling because as a maternity nurse, I know how important movement is for my health and my growing baby’s. I also know how important it is to listen to your body when it is telling you something. 

Now I have more energy in my second trimester and I’m ready to get back into moving my body. High-intensity exercise is still something I would like to do but less frequently than before. I have changed the focus of my exercise to be more gentle on my body but still leaving me feeling like I got a good workout in. The winded, flushed “that was great” feeling is something I truly miss!

I have continued to do strength training but have not been adding weight, only adding reps. There are also exercises not recommended in pregnancy, like crunches, so I stopped doing those. I replaced Ab exercises with pregnancy-friendly ones. Spin classes were also my favorite cardio activity and I plan on getting back to spinning once I fight off this cold! Low-impact activities are my favorite thing right now, running or doing HITT isn’t in the cards for me. I have access to a free gym at my work and I have been getting my heart rate up by walking on the treadmill at an incline. I have also been enjoying yoga and stretching, especially at night before bed. 

Now that the weather is warming up and it’s safer with little snow and ice, I have been going out for walks frequently. That 10,000-step goal is real right now! Thank you, Fitbit. I have been very thankful for how pregnancy has changed my exercise goals and focus

I spent a lot of time researching potential exercise programs for myself and came across a few I think would also be great to try:


Living life with a subtle glow and soft positive radiance that I hope spreads happiness to others. A nurse & teacher, sharing content on lifestyle, nursing, self-care, and personal development.

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