
Ways Nurses Inspire Others

pregnant woman and nurse completing assessment

I have been so amazed lately by the ways that nurses inspire others. It does not take much, but I find I have left some interactions with other nurses feeling full of hope and inspired to become a better nurse myself. Who doesn’t want people to feel lighter, inspired, hopeful, or determined after a conversation with them? I hope people leave conversations with me feeling lifted and happier than before! Here are a few ways nurses inspire others. 

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Being self-aware

I am so in awe of my peers when they share their reflections with me and insights. They can be so aware of themselves and their feelings, what might be causing it or contributing. It makes me reflect on my self-awareness and how I tune into my body to listen for cues. For example, when a peer recognized she was struggling to care for a patient, she realized it was because she was experiencing feelings from a similar situation that occurred years ago. She told me she may not have processed those feelings fully. I thought this was so insightful and inspiring to me. 

Having a plan

When nurses have a plan A, B, and C! Nurses are constantly checking in on their patients to ensure the nursing actions are effective and working for the patient. Patients may share a variety of problems they may be experiencing at that moment, and nurses are there to work in collaboration with patients to troubleshoot and problem-solve. I am always in awe when nurses have not only one solution but 3 to try if the first one doesn’t. That is so inspiring to me that nurses have so many tools in their toolbox to assist their patients with issues. I have seen this in maternity a lot when nurses are helping mothers learn to breastfeed. If latching isn’t going well, nurses have a trick to try for the next feed to see if that helps solve the problem.

nurses having a plan to help troubleshoot problems

Asking for a brainstorming session

This one is my favorite because it takes some vulnerability to admit you don’t know everything. But this is the essence of nursing! You’re a lifelong learner, it would be impossible to know everything about nursing. When a nurse comes out of a room and asks to brainstorm some ideas to better help their patient… it is amazing the collaboration and ideas that flow from everyone. 

Exploring their professional interests

When a nurse is super passionate about a certain topic, it is amazing to watch them explore it and relay back their learning. These nurses help everyone provide better care for patients when they share that knowledge with others. In my role as an instructor, we have meetings once a week to discuss various aspects within the program. I am always left inspired by some of the research others are participating in, and contributing to the nursing profession in big ways! This is a huge way nurses inspire others.

pregnant woman and nurse completing assessment

Being authentic

It is amazing to see a nurse who is just authentic and true to themselves and their values as a person and as a nurse. These nurses spread happiness and laughter around the unit and to their patients. People who are in the hospital or needing care can be at their most vulnerable state, or experiencing a lot of discomfort. I am so inspired when I witness a nurse bring a smile or a laugh to her patient’s day. These nurses aren’t afraid to be their goofy selves, and that takes courage!

nurses laughing

Having compassion for others when there is nothing left in their tank

Nursing is a tough gig. And I mean tough! There are various barriers nurses experience to providing the care they WANT to give. I won’t get into this can of worms today. I find it amazing when despite all these barriers, nurses show up for their patients with that same amount of compassion and empathy like they weren’t exhausted from being short-staffed or not having a break. It is especially inspiring to see nurses being compassionate with themselves.

nurse, stethoscope, nurse holding hands with patient

Being kind

This is self-explanatory. I am left inspired when I see nurses lift others up, giving positive feedback or compliments on nursing practice. These nurses create a positive working environment and workplace culture for staff. When you have happy thriving nurses, you have happy thriving communities! 

You probably have felt inspired by a few nurses in your workplace, and it would be a great thing if you could share that with them! These have been ways that I have seen nurses have inspired others. What are some things you see your nurse peers do that inspire you!?


Living life with a subtle glow and soft positive radiance that I hope spreads happiness to others. A nurse & teacher, sharing content on lifestyle, nursing, self-care, and personal development.

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