
Simple Morning Routine

morning, sunrise, sunshine

Are you looking for a simple and realistic morning routine that fits into your life? I have experimented a lot with different morning routines. There are so many ideas of morning routines and I tried to do different things that would help me wake up earlier more comfortably, but it just didn’t work. I am a morning person and I like to take advantage of that. I always go back to the routine I am sharing with you today. If you’re reading this you have been searching for a nice morning routine that will fit your lifestyle.

This is a routine that is simple and flexible, and can act as a foundation for you to build on and customize. After searching on the internet I felt to pressured to add journaling, meditation, gratitude lists etc. to my morning activities. This wasn’t realistic for me and sure, if I have time I’ll do it, but it just doesn’t fit with my life. I found those things fit into an evening routine better. So if you’re looking for a long list of things to add to your morning, this post isn’t for you. If you’re looking for a simple, realistic, and consistent morning routine continue reading.

Benefits of a Consistent Morning Routine

I have found that having a consistent morning routine makes me excited to wake up in the morning. It can be feel comforting in a way. This routine blocks off time for two self-care activities that I have inconsistently been on again off again with. When I start my day with this morning routine, I do these self-care activities and I feel it. I notice I am happier, I feel lighter, and I am able to cope with whatever challenges the day will bring. Often, I welcome them!

The morning routine I am sharing today helped me be more compassionate in my nursing practice. When you fail to take care of yourself and your needs, you are not able to be there for others. Nursing is a relational job and will often leave me emotionally and mentally exhausted. Talking to people and having to make quick decisions is draining. Caring for myself first allows me to care and advocate for others better by giving me the emotional energy to advocate for those who need it. My morning routine often leaves me feeling calm and ready to take on my day. Here is how I wake up in the mornings focusing on self-care for my mental health.

Wake up Early

No I don’t wake up in the morning feeling like P Diddy (that song came to my head as I was writing and I couldn’t help myself). 6 am… sure. This is more realistic for me than something like 5 am. I usually will wake up at 6 before everyone else wakes up. I do wake up a bit earlier if I am hitting a 6am spin class. If that’s the case I get up at 515. I have always been an early riser naturally but this changes with the seasons and daylight. In our house, phones stay out of the bedroom and my fitbit wakes me up nice and gently. I am a light sleeper so I don’t need a crazy alarm.

Breakfast go to: Greek yogurt, granola, fruit


I drink a cup of water first thing as I am usually really thirsty in the morning. Cold water makes my stomach hurt first thing, but cool or room temp is okay for me. I also like to have lemon water in my fridge during the summer and when I am on top of things I’ll have a glass of lemon water.


I will take time to either go to my 0600 exercise class or I’ll move my body. I am currently doing some strength training in my home gym. It feels so nice to stretch things out after sleeping…especially as I get older. I know myself well and I know that if I don’t make time for my workout in the morning it probably won’t happen. Unfortunately, it is easy for my day to get carried away. For more information on my fitness routine visit this post.


This is a given. I am even more excited for this part because I got my husband a Bluetooth speaker for the shower… which means I’ll get to use it too. I will listen to music or a podcast. My skin in sensitive so a warm and not too hot shower is important to not dry out my skin.

For more info on my fav skin care products see this post.

Healthy Breakfast

I like to start my day with a light but filling breakfast. At the start of my day I usually have morning meetings or I’m teaching a morning lesson so I don’t snack in the morning. I usually will have something basic, quick, easy and healthy. These are my go-to’s:

  • Greek yogurt, granola and fruit.
  • Hard boiled eggs, toast, and a roma tomato.
  • Steel cut oats with brown sugar
  • Chocolate banana smoothie

Review my Planner

With a cup of coffee or my smoothie I will bust open my planner and see what’s on deck for the day. Sometimes I’ll review the night before but I usually have to add a few things last minute to my plan for the day. I review the tasks I need to do, my goals and habits for that month/week, and any events or work meetings. Researching and shopping for planners can be an obsession; I have spent way too much time picking out a planner that would work for me. I am very picky with my planner selection! This is the most similar to the planner I chose for 2023. I love this brand and this is the second year in a row I have chosen one of their styles.

Morning Walk

It is so nice to be out in nature first thing in the morning! It is my favorite time of day to be outside when birds are chirping, the air is crisp, and nobody else is around. I have a little Chihuahua. No, she is not the yappy ankle biter that you thought of when you thought Chihuahua. She is sweet and shy and loves to sleep in. I walk her in the morning to have that time for just her and I before the day begins.

If you don’t have a dog I would still highly recommend getting outside in the morning for some sunshine. Even stand outside for 5 minutes in the sun and start there. Research is showing that morning sun is beneficial for your health (vitamin D and sleep/circadian rhythm). If I have an early work day I will take her for a short walk but if I have a late start or happen to wake up very early, I will take her for 45 minutes to an hour. In the summer we have to go early in the morning to beat the heat of the day.


Hopefully you found this post helpful. These activities can be a great foundation


Living life with a subtle glow and soft positive radiance that I hope spreads happiness to others. A nurse & teacher, sharing content on lifestyle, nursing, self-care, and personal development.

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