
Skin Care Routine

skin care routine, lambent life lifestyle blog

Okay, a vulnerable moment here. Like many others…I was the kid with acne. I would hide behind my hair because I was so uncomfortable in my skin. Maybe most kids in grade 8 felt this way but I wanted to reach back to this basic but important part of life and share my skincare routine with you all because this is where the frustration started for me. I am the type of person that doesn’t wear much makeup, so it is important to me to spend the money and time taking care of my natural self instead of covering up an issue. I am happy to report that I found things that work for me now and I am happy and comfortable in my skin. If you can relate at all to this… this post is for you. Also, I am not an affiliate for any of these products/brands. I love them enough to share them.

What I have Tried:

As a young adult, I tried mostly EVERYTHING: proactive, prescription creams, antibiotics, every drugstore brand, birth control, you name it. When I was in my 20s, I started focusing less on the outside and more on the inside by drinking more water and eating less sugar but it wasn’t doing much. I had a fu** it moment of frustration and I started making my own skincare products because I was so fed up with spending money on products that didn’t freaking work! Glass containers and natural ingredients were available to me at a natural foods store in town so I invested. I did some research on skin care needs and what ingredients would support my skin. I used that skincare routine for 5 years and this is when I first started getting compliments on my skin! People even asked me to make things for them too. It was when I wanted to add in anti-aging ingredients I became overwhelmed and quit this.

Skin Care Routine recommended to me by professionals.

For the past 3 years, I have been using medical-grade skin care products which I have listed below and linked to. I have talked to 3 different skin care professionals over the past few years who recommended similar products between 3 different brands which I share below. I started with the brand Viver, then moved on to ZO and Alumier because it was available in my town and cheaper. In the last 4 months, I have also started getting some peels and treatments to support my skin health. Here is my current and favorite skincare routine…

Morning Routine:

What I learned from the pros was to wash your face for at least 1 minute. I also have a silicone face cleanser I use with this. I can’t find the exact one I got but here is a similar one from the same place.

This I use twice a week to exfoliate my skin and neck.

This is a toner for your face. The downside here is that it is not environmentally friendly. I also cut these in half so I have more as I use ½ a pad in the AM and ½ a pad in the evening.

After my first peel, I got the crème which is very moisturizing for post-treatment moisturizing, a little goes a long way! My go-to daily moisturizer is the Bright Alive which brightens skin and improves skin clarity.

Brightening Eye Cream for under eye area to improve dark circles and puffiness.

In the summer I do not wear make up on my face except mascara. This leaves me feeling fresh and ready to take on my day whether I am heading to the hospital for a shift or heading to the lake for a paddle. If you’re curious about what else I do in the morning to kick start my day check things out here.

Skin Care Routine recommended to me by professionals. How to take care of your skin.

Night Routine:

This is where my routine varies the most depending on my skin.

Most often this is what it looks like:

I wash my face at night with the gentle cleanser and complexion pads listed above. Once a week I will use the Viver ultra hydrating Mask, only because I have this product on hand. Twice a week I use the Viver Retinol 1% Night Complex. I will continue to purchase or find a ZO product similar.

I will occasionally wash my face then apply Organic Rosehip oil, or “ Face Lift” which is a combination of essential oils. Rosehip oil has anti-aging and regenerating properties.

Skin Treatments:

In the last 4 months, I have started getting facial treatments including peels and Dermal infusion. These are different from your relaxing facials at the spa. I have an RN friend who works in medical aesthetics and I have learned a lot from her about skin health. The sound of a chemical peel to me was terrifying and sounded painful. I decided to trust my expert friend and I took the plunge! I tried getting a peel. The first time I went it was a gentle peel with no actual skin peeling or flaking. The second time I went I was ready to shed a layer and I got a more intense facial peel. My skin was like a baby’s bottom underneath! The dermal infusion is nice and there is no downtime for this service. I like to joke around and call it a face vacuum, and it feels like you’re deep cleaning your face! These are a bit more expensive and I like to do these over the summer when it is hot and your pores are open.

I hope sharing these products with you helps you! The insecurity that I have about my skin has followed me through my life, enough that I will spend the money and budget for these items. Make up has ALWAYS made me break out, so I have come to dislike it and view it as a band-aid for my skin issues. I value taking care of the natural beauty that women have. Everyone is unique and that should be celebrated. Freckles and all…



Living life with a subtle glow and soft positive radiance that I hope spreads happiness to others. A nurse & teacher, sharing content on lifestyle, nursing, self-care, and personal development.

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