
Nightly Self-Care Routine

nightly routine, #lambentlife #lambentlifeblog

Looking for a nightly self-care routine that makes you feel rested and set up for the next day? I have been trying to establish a realistic nightly self-care routine for myself. Something realistic is the most important thing for me. I do not want to develop this huge long list of things I would like to do and feel like it’s more of a chore to complete instead of self-care. Both you and I don’t need added pressure to be a person we are not. I initially started doing these things one at a time until they became consistent habits I didn’t have to think about. If you’re looking for a relaxing nightly self-care routine, start small and add things as you go! I also encourage you to reflect on the habits you may already do before bed, and try habit stacking

Habit stacking is when you pair new habits with ones you’re currently doing. For example, having the floss beside your toothbrush will encourage you to floss. Having your yoga mat beside your bed for some nighttime stretching makes it more accessible to you before you get into bed. If you’re looking for a great book on implementing and changing your routines/patterns/habits, I recommend Atomic Habits by James Clear

Looking for a realistic nightly self-self care routine to set yourself up for a great sleep? Gentle lighting can help set up the mood. #nightlyself-careroutine, #lambentlifeblog #lambentlife

Here is my nightly self-care routine that I find so relaxing and sets me up for a good night’s sleep. I will often start the night off by lowering the lights, salt lamps and soft amber lighting sets this routine up to be a vibe!

Looking for a realistic nightly self-self care routine to set yourself up for a great sleep?  #nightlyself-careroutine, #lambentlifeblog #lambentlife

No screens for 2 hours before bed

This one impacts my ability to fall asleep and stay asleep. In our home, we do not have screens in the bedroom. This helps us create and establish the relaxing, calm vibe of the bedroom so my brain knows it is time to wind down and sleep. There is also a lot of information out there on how screens impact the quality of sleep. For more info on this, here is an article I found interesting.

Sleepytime tea with magnesium

I cannot take melatonin for 2 reasons: it gives me crazy dreams, and it makes it harder for me to fall back asleep when I inevitably wake up to pee. Instead, I will have a sleepytime tea and add some powdered magnesium to my tea. I initially tried magnesium in tablet form but it didn’t help me sleep as much as the powdered form does. This is the tea I like to have and this is the magnesium powder I like to add.

Brush teeth and floss

This one is a given for lots of people. This girl is a a twice-a-day brusher and a nighttime flosser! I have the floss right next to my toothbrush so I remember. My husband got a waterpick that I also love and will use at night. I find it gentle on my gums during pregnancy as they have been sensitive.


I have an established skincare regime, I always remove any makeup or just clean my face at night. I use a gentle cleanser. Here is more info on my skincare routine. At night I will wash my face and use my gua sha with moisturizer or with a face oil I got from a local shop.


Before bed, I will apply a moisturizer to my body. I like to use something like this or my favorite scented lotion from Bath and Body Works.

I also have added a stretch mark cream as I am pregnant. A few weeks ago I had started using this cream but I found it smelled too much like a Terry’s chocolate orange which wasn’t great for my nausea but it did leave me feeling soft and moisturized. I gravitate more towards my unscented Bio-Oil.

Stretch or Yoga

Looking for a realistic nightly self-self care routine to set yourself up for a great sleep?  #nightlyself-careroutine, #lambentlifeblog #lambentlife

I will try and stretch a little before bed. I find that through my first trimester, I haven’t been moving my body as I have been nauseated and very tired. Now that I have some energy back I try to stretch before bed (and also when I get up). I will do a short YouTube video or just move and stretch my body in ways that feel good to me. Recently I have been following Nourish Move Love on YouTube as she does specific exercises for pregnancy. I also enjoy Yoga with Adrienne, especially for bed. Her energy and focus on breathing is very helpful in preparing for labor and delivery.


If I have had a rough day I will usually write about it. If there is something I need to get out or if I notice I am overthinking something I try and work through the feelings to figure out what my issue is or was. I also like to not just use journaling as a way to process but also reflect on the things I am grateful for in my life. If you’re also an overthinker or play events in your head over and over again, journalling might also be for you!


Finally, I will get out a book and read. I enjoy reading before bed because it relaxes me and sends me to sleep. I bounce between books on personal development and fiction books. Recently, I have started the Court of Thorns and Roses series (a bit spicy).

Occasionally I will use a lavender room spray or an essential oil diffuser with lavender in it if I am feeling higher levels of stress in my body. I also have a subscription to Headspace and I love it. I often will put on a sleep story when I finish reading. These I would not say are habits but if I think of them or I am having difficulty sleeping I’ll add these to my routine.

I hope even one or two of these things will help you wind down for bed and get a great night’s sleep! I don’t know about you but I love the feeling of taking good care of yourself.

*I am not compensated for the links in this post*


Living life with a subtle glow and soft positive radiance that I hope spreads happiness to others. A nurse & teacher, sharing content on lifestyle, nursing, self-care, and personal development.

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