
5 Things To Give Up in 2023

#lambentlifeblog #lambentlife habits to lose in 2023

Today I’m sharing 5 things to give up in 2023 for my mental health and well being. With the upcoming New Year, do you find yourself thinking and reflecting on a New Year’s resolution or goals? Are there things you find yourself doing that lead you down a negative thought spiral like me? You do these things knowing that it is no good for you but you can’t help it?

I am not one to usually do the whole New Year’s resolution because I have failed time and time again. Mostly because I set unrealistic expectations of myself, and I know that’s not how healthy habits are formed. However, I still like to take the time and reflect on my life and set some goals. I usually do this seasonally. This year I would like to try to set myself up for success. I’m not introducing a new habit, but rather actively trying to remove a bad one. Hence why I’ve identified 5 things to give up. I’m hoping this will be easier and more realistic for myself. Here are 5 things I am going to give up in 2023.

Comparing Myself to Others

When I was younger this was a bad habit I had that comes from western culture and insecurity. Comparing myself to others no longer aligns with the life I am trying to create. Everyone has a different story, we are all successful in our own ways. I am usually comparing myself to others physically and this just needs to stop. It does no good.

People Pleasing

Oh. My. Goodness. I am so bad for putting the needs of others before my own. My husband and step son included. Then I am left irritable and hangry because my tank is empty. I identify as an empath and I have a strong ability to understand and see perspective of others… “step into their shoes” emotionally you might say. I also have people pleasing traits because I was raised by a narcissist step father. This bad habit has got to go! I am working on setting healthy boundaries and saying no to things that really don’t bring me joy. I need to find love, acceptance, and validation from the inside, not from outside. Here is where you can find more information on healthy boundaries and how to set them.


I am so guilty of worrying about things that haven’t happened or aren’t actually real…yet. I worry about imagined worst case scenarios and try and be prepared for anything. This is unrealistic and really just takes up brain space that I would rather use being productive or building healthier habits.

5 things to give up in 2023. Stop worrying. 
Lambent Life Blog

Wasting Energy in Relationships

Since I turned 30, this is something I have been very aware of. I do not want to maintain relationships that are one-sided. My time is limited and I am a bit of an introvert so my capacity for socializing is minimal. I really want to focus on developing the relationships that are mutual, caring, beneficial, and healthy. Having a safe space to be myself and live authentically is something I value. I will move forward this year assessing the relationships and if they don’t allow for any of these things then I’m out.

Watching too much Netflix

Ok, there is a time and a place for Netflix binges and I will participate in them when my brain needs to tap out. However, my husband and I have this bad habit of watching TV after dinner for the rest of the night. Or, after we put my step son to bed. These are golden minutes of the day where I have some time to facilitate the good habits or hobbies I love. Moving forward I am going to make a point to not have this be a daily occurrence, and more of an occasional “I’m sick” and need to force myself to chill sort of activity.

These are the 5 things to give up in 2023 for my health and happiness! There are other bad habits I should stop but for now my main focus are these five because they impact the quality of my life the most. Comment below if you have a habit that you’re looking to quit in 2023!


Living life with a subtle glow and soft positive radiance that I hope spreads happiness to others. A nurse & teacher, sharing content on lifestyle, nursing, self-care, and personal development.

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