Hello! My name is Anna-Lisa (she/her). Welcome to Lambent Life. I’ll tell you a little about me…

First you should know that I’m real, authentic, and I value courage and vulnerability. I will bring you into my life in a real way; you’ll see me with no make up and in my imperfect life.

On this page I’ll share a little about me and who I am, and why I started my blog. I’ll share what my history is and things that shape who I am. You will also find information about the type of content to expect on my blog. Thanks for reading!

Lambent Life Blog
Lifestyle Blog
About Me
About Lambent Life Blog

Who Am I?

I am a Registered Nurse and I specialized in Perinatal. More recently I completed a Master’s Degree and I now teach nursing and work casually in Perinatal. I was looking for a way to use the creative side of my brain so I started this blog. Writing is something I enjoy and I believe I have learned a lot in my life and nursing career that I find valuable and wanted to share with others. I’ll share about content related to lifestyle, nursing, self-care, and personal development. The title Lambent Life resonated with me because I see myself living life with a subtle glow and soft positive radiance that I hope spreads happiness to others. I feel like I used to live life fast and furious, always on the go or doing something. I am trying to slow down and enjoy life’s simple pleasures.

My passion is teaching and my consistent hobbies are reading and organizing. I like to try new things and I am currently looking to find a creative passion. I’m hoping blogging will be it but I have also enjoyed photography so maybe that will spark up again. Join me on my search for my creative passion and maybe you’ll learn something along the way that will help you live your best life. I am always setting goals for myself and finding ways to implement healthy daily habits. I believe it is important to spread kindness in the world. This is my way of trying to share some kindness.

About my Backstory

My roots were previously in Ontario Canada where I was born and still have much of my extended family. I am currently living in British Columbia Canada and traded the St. Lawrence River for the Rocky Mountains. I am the oldest sibling and cousin which made me into the responsible old one having to set a good example for the rest.

My Nursing Career

I have been nursing since 2015 and have learned that nursing is not just a profession but a lifestyle. I am always seeking out personal development growth and learning. It is in gaining nursing knowledge and working as a nurse that taught me exactly how important self-care is within our current society. I specialized in perinatal nursing and became the go to nurse for a lot of my friend group who are in the childbearing age with many questions! I fell in love with learning, seeking knowledge, and teaching new parents. This led me to complete a Masters Degree at the University of Victoria and I now teach nursing in the same school where I completed my undergrad!

My Family

My wonderful family consists of my husband and I, and my step-son. We also have a dog named Miikka and two cats, Thing One and Thing Two. Life is not boring! Miikka was the first addition to our family and she holds a very special place in my heart, hence why I chose a picture with her in it!

Tell me About You?

Thanks for visiting and learning a little about me! I am looking forward to getting to know you! I would love to know more about who you are and things you would like to know about me or see on the site. Feel free to connect with me!

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